The British Society for Paediatric & Adolescent Gynaecology

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Find a Specialist

BritSPAG curates a network of clinical centres across the UK that provide high-quality care for young people living with gynaecological problems. Find your nearest specialist below.

Aberdeen Royal Infirmary

Type of Service:

General PAG services

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

Abha Maheshwari

Ashford and St Peter’s Hospital

Type of Service:

General PAG services

Named Lead Gynaecologist:


Basildon University Hospital

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

A Rahmin Haloob

Basingstoke Hospital

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

Claire Iffland

Bedford Hospital

Type of Service:

General PAG services

Named Lead Gynaecologist:


Belfast Trust

Type of Service:

General PAG services

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

Dr joanne McManus

Birmingham women’s and children’s hospital

Type of Service:

General PAG services

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

Pallavi Latthe

Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Type of Service:

General PAG services

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

Elizabeth Haslett and Uma Chetan

Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

Type of Service:

General PAG services

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

Dr Haslett; Dr Chetan

Bradford Royal Infirmary

Type of Service:

General PAG services

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

Dr V Beckett

Cambridge University Hospitals Foundation Trust

Type of Service:

General PAG services

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

Jane MacDougall/Emily Gelson

Cheltenham General Hospital, Gloucester

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

Mary Pillai/Madhavi Vellayan


Type of Service:

General PAG services

Named Lead Gynaecologist:


Countess of Chester Hospital

Type of Service:

General PAG services

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

Dr Lorraine Dinardo

Dorset County Hospital NHS Foundation trust

Type of Service:

General PAG

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

Beena Dandawate

Ealing General Hospital

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

R Lyons

East Lancashire NHS Trust

Type of Service:

General PAG services

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

Catherine Mckenzie

East Sussex Hospital Trust

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

Prabha Sinha

ESNEFT -Ipswich part

Type of Service:

General PAG services

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

B Johal

Glasgow Royal Infirmary

Type of Service:

General PAG services

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

Dr Aparna Sastry

Hereford County Hospital

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

Mike Cohn

Hillingdon Hospital

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

Vicky Cook

James Cook University Hospital

Type of Service:

General PAG services

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

Dr Suzie Peatman

James Paget hospital

Type of Service:

General PAG services

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

Dr Jane Preston

John Radcliffe Hopsital Oxford

Type of Service:

General PAG services

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

Prof Christian Becker

King’s College Hospital

Type of Service:

General PAG services

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

Jemma Johns

Kings Mill Hospital, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

Miss Susan Ward

Leeds Teaching Hospitals

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

Professor Adam Balen

We are commissioned by NHS England to provide care for individuals with Complex Congenital Genital Anomalies

Leighton Hospital, Crewe

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

Valerie Lether

Liverpool Women’s Hospital and Alder Hey Children’s Hospital

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

Cara Williams

We are commissioned by NHS England to provide care for individuals with Complex Congenital Genital Anomalies

Macclesfield Hospital

Type of Service:

General PAG services

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

Jyotsna Acharya

Manchester Children’s Hospital

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

Gail Busby

We are commissioned by NHS England to provide care for individuals with Complex Congenital Genital Anomalies

Manor Hospital Walsall

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

Chandrika Balachandur

Milton Keynes University Hospital

Type of Service:

General PAG services

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

Nandini Gupta

Musgrove Park hospital

Type of Service:

General PAG services

Named Lead Gynaecologist:


Nevill Hall Hospital, Abergavenny

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

Sue Bell Thomas

Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Trust

Named Lead Gynaecologist:


We are commissioned by NHS England to provide care for individuals with Complex Congenital Genital Anomalies

NHS Lothian

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

Dr Shiona Coutts

We are commissioned by NHS England to provide care for individuals with Complex Congenital Genital Anomalies

Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital

Type of Service:

General PAG services

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

Dr P.S.Arunakumari

North Tess & Hartlepool NHS Trust

Type of Service:

General PAG services

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

Dr Iona Macleod

Nottingham Queens Medical Centre

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

Andree Ellis/Marion McPherson

Pembury Hospital

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

Maggie Matthews

Poole Hospital

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

Tim Hillard

Princess Anne Hospital

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

Henny Lukman

We are commissioned by NHS England to provide care for individuals with Complex Congenital Genital Anomalies

Princess Royal Hospital

Type of Service:

General PAG

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

Dr Jo Ritchie

Queen Alexandra Hospital

Type of Service:

General PAG services

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

Claire Burton

Queen Charlottes and Chelsea Hospital, Imperial Healthcare NHS Trust

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

Gillian Rose Maya Al-Memar

We are commissioned by NHS England to provide care for individuals with Complex Congenital Genital Anomalies

Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother Hospital

Type of Service:

General PAG services

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

Keyuri Shrotri

Queen Elizabeth University Hospital

Type of Service:

General PAG services

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

Vanessa Mackay

Raigmore hospital

Type of Service:

General PAG services

Named Lead Gynaecologist:


Royal Berkshire Hospital

Type of Service:

General PAG services

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

Soon to be: Clare Marsh and Apryll Chase

Royal Bournemouth Hospital

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

Julian Pampiglione

Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

Lisa Joels

Royal Hampshire County Hospital

Type of Service:

General PAG services

Named Lead Gynaecologist:


Royal Preston Hospital, Preston

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

Syma Ahmed

Royal United Hospital, Bath

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

A. Qureshi

Royal Victoria Infirmary

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

Dr Meena Choudhary

We are commissioned by NHS England to provide care for individuals with Complex Congenital Genital Anomalies

St George’s Hospital, London

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

Michelle Fynes

Tameside and Glossop

Type of Service:

General PAG Services

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

Dr Purnima Gondane-Sweetman

Tameside and Glossop Integrated Care Trust

Type of Service:

General PAG services

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

Dr Purnima Gondane-Sweetman

Taunton and Somerset

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

Guy Fender/Robert Fox

UH Birmingham (Heartlands/Childrens)

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

Elizabeth Payne/Shirin Irani

UH of South Manchester, Wythenshaw

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

Iola Williams

University College Hospital

Type of Service:

General PAG Services

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

Miss Hazel Learner

We are commissioned by NHS England to provide care for individuals with Complex Congenital Genital Anomalies

University Hospital of Hartlepool

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

Isaac Magani

University hospital of Leicester

Type of Service:

General PAG Services

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

Asmita Patwardhan

University Hospital of North Durham

Type of Service:

General PAG services

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

Dr Seema Sen & Dr Fiona Lloyd

University Hospital of North Midlands

Type of Service:

General PAG services

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

Professor Fidelma O’Mahony

University Hospitals Bristol and Weston

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

Naomi Crouch

We are commissioned by NHS England to provide care for individuals with Complex Congenital Genital Anomalies

University Hospitals of Derby and Burton

Type of Service:

General PAG Services

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

Ms Shilpa Kolhe

Whittington Hospital

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

Heulwen Morgan

Wirral University Teaching Hospital

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

Marie-Claire Longworth

Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust

Type of Service:

General PAG services

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

Donna Ghosh & Alex Blackwell

Ysbyty Gwynedd Bangor

Type of Service:

General PAG services

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

Dr Christine Clark

Ysbyty Gwynedd Bangor

Type of Service:

General PAG services

Named Lead Gynaecologist:

Dr Christine Clark

Other Trusts in this area:

James Cook University Hospital Middlesbrough

Named clinical Lead:

Suzie Peatman

University Hospital North Durham

Named clinical Lead:

Philippa Marsden/Fiona Lloyd

University Hospital North Tees

Named clinical Lead:

Iona Macleod

University Hospital of Hartlepool

Named clinical Lead:

Isaac Magani

Other Trusts in this area:

Leighton Hospital, Crewe

Named clinical Lead:

Lynda Coughlin

Macclesfield District General Hospital

Named clinical Lead:

Valerie Lether

Other Trusts in this area:

Basildon University Hospital

Named clinical Lead:

A Rahmin Haloob

Basingstoke Hospital

Named clinical Lead:

Claire Iffland

East Sussex Hospital Trust

Named clinical Lead:

Prabha Sinha

Ealing General Hospital

Named clinical Lead:

R Lyons

Hillingdon Hospital

Named clinical Lead:

Vicky Cook

Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells

Named clinical Lead:

Pembury Hospital

Named clinical Lead:

Maggie Matthews

Queen Elizabeth Hospital

Named clinical Lead:

Jane Burch

St Richard’s Hospital Chichester

Named clinical Lead:

Jonathan Hooker

Whittington Hospital

Named clinical Lead:

Heulwen Morgan

Worthing Hospital

Named clinical Lead:

Oxford John Radcliffe

Named clinical Lead:

Christian Becker

Other Trusts in this area:

Taunton and Somerset

Named clinical Lead:

Guy Fender/Robert Fox

Poole Hospital

Named clinical Lead:

Tim Hillard

Royal Bournemouth Hospital

Named clinical Lead:

Julian Pampiglione

Royal United Hospital

Named clinical Lead:

Bath A. Qureshi

Other Trusts in this area:

Bangor Hospital

Named clinical Lead:

Christine Clark

Nevill Hall Hospital, Abergavenny

Named clinical Lead:

Sue Bell Thomas

Other Trusts in this area:

Hereford County Hospital

Named clinical Lead:

Mike Cohn

Manor Hospital Walsall

Named clinical Lead:

Chandrika Balachandur

University Hospital North Staffs

Named clinical Lead:

F O’Mahony

Shrewsbury and Telford

Named clinical Lead:

Sharon Oates

Other Trusts in this area:

Chesterfield Royal Hospital

Named clinical Lead:

Janet Cresswell

Dewsbury and District Hospital

Named clinical Lead:

Kathryn Fishwick

Fairfield Hospital Bury

Named clinical Lead:

Brigid Hayden

York Hospital

Named clinical Lead:

N Dean