The British Society for Paediatric & Adolescent Gynaecology

PCOS in adolescents: A survey of clinical practice

PCOS in adolescents: A survey of clinical practice

8th February 2021 News

BritSPAG would like to share a survey link on behalf of one of the BritSPAG members. 
Dear colleague,

There has been very little research on therapies specifically for teenagers who are at risk of PCOS. We are exploring clinicians’ views about adolescents with or at risk of polycystic ovarian syndrome and its management. We are trying to establish what would be important (including patient reported) outcomes for teenagers at risk of PCOS taking medications for their symptoms. . We would be very grateful if you could answer the questions in the   survey link and we thank in anticipation of your response.
Best Wishes
Dr Pallavi Latthe
MD, FRCOG, DFFP, Cert Med Ed
Consultant O & G
Clinical lead for urogynaecology and paediatric Adolescent Gynaecology
Birmingham Women’s and Children’s NHS Foundation Trust
Birmingham B15 2TG
Secretary: 0121 472 1377 ex 5422